2015 Graphing Bug Fixes

2015 Graphing Bug Fixes




Filtered data are still plotted in Grouped plotFiltered data should not be plotted in grouped plot.

Support to add annotations in the waterfall plot

Support to add annotations to arbitrary plots in waterfall. Connect lines point to the right data point.
ORG-11240Colormap tab failed to show for Floating Colunmn plotColormap tab support to show for Floating Column plot.

Error bars for stacked column plot shifted incorrectly if set offset across layers

Error bars for stacked column plots shift correctly when set offset across layers.
ORG-10890Certain legend margins are incorrectReconstructed legend now can resize the margin properly. Default legend margin has been adjusted. 3D text support margin resize.
ORG-10552Multi-group colormapped waterfallSupport multiple groups plots in Waterfall with colormap
ORG-10905Support superscript when Inserting Info. Variable as LabelNow superscript text can shown correctly. New checkbox added to let user determine whether to add \v() or not
ORG-11175Layers will be placed and linked automatically in Current Position Order modeIn Layer Management, you do not need to apply twice to set up layer positions and linkings with Current Position Order mode.
ORG-11153Drag Plot Should Always Change Offset Based on Axis RangeDrag-to-offset will no longer generate unreasonable offset value in certain cases.
ORG-11231Undo support for dragging X axis in column plotNow undo drag-to-offset X axis in column plot will reset the bar correctly.
ORG-11031Y-Error and axis tick color in plotmyaxes XF

Now the axis tick labels will keep the same color as lines and Y-Error will no longer be ignored.


Inserting MS-Word object to 2D and @ogl=0 graphs

MS-Word object will not flash badly when inserting to 2D and @ogl=0 graphs.
ORG-10766Excel Plotting supports large range selection.

Can select large column range data in excel for plot.


Categorical Legend shows correctly when using numeric data as index

Categorical Legend will not duplicates entries when using numeric data as index.
ORG-11614Long Drop Line with Dot Style won't Origin a lot.

Origin now have increased performance when using Long Drop Line with Dot Style.


Colormap level display and edit works properly in plot details dialog.

Numeric format for colormap level update correctly when edit it in plot details dialog.
ORG-12145Plot Setup Context Menu in German Version Opens Axis DialogThe axis dialog will open when select Plot Setup from context menu in German Version.
ORG-8864Attempt to open Plot Setup hangs Origin when data is from XLSX fileOrigin hangs when click some button in Plot Setup with data from external excel file
ORG-12000Pan graph after exchanging X-Y axisNow user can pan the graph as usual after exchanging X-Y axis
ORG-10194Floating / Embedded graph will be closed after OPJ reopened in 91Floating / Embedded graph will keep open after OPJ reopened in Origin 2015
ORG-11101Legend appears incorrectly when UFF is in a network locationLegend appears correctly when User Files Folder is in a network location or Origin.ini in User Files Folder is missing.

Waterfall plot colormap and color incrementing doesn't map correctly.

Waterfall plot colormap and color incrementing have correct mapping.
ORG-11211Origin supports load templates directly.Templates can be opened and loaded into Origin directly.

Axis Related

ORG-11508Y scale act differently when created if there is error bar Y scale can be created normally with error bar existing.
ORG-11781Axis position control on time seriesSpecifying axis position on time series is fully supported for both 2D and 3D

Axis dialog now shows the actual font size for tick label correctly.

Resize the graph will correctly update the actual font size in axis dialog.
ORG-11184Old project's axis break disappeared after opening Axis or Merge Graphs etc. dialogNow the old (<9.1) opj's axis break would not lost after dialog opened

Axis title object becomes non-clickable after "Use System Font" is turned on

Axis title object can be customized when "Use System Font" is turned on.

Contour/Image Plot

ORG-11055Certain contour plot from virtual matrix failed to show if exchange XY

All contour plot from virtual matrix show correctly after exchange XY.


Contour plot with fill color to grid lines failed to show if exchange XY

Contour plot can correctly show fill color to grid lines after exchange XY.

XYZ contour extraction creates too many duplicates

XYZ contour extraction don't produce duplicate data.
ORG-11506Certain Custom Boundary for Contour Plot Leads Origin FreezeOrigin now can handle boundary curves that has points outside the closed shape.
ORG-10790Polar contour clipping when anti-aliasing is onPolar contour will no longer show unexpected clipping with anti-aliasing.
ORG-11666Contour plot with data lock draw graph correctly.Contour plot with data lock will not keep graph drawing repeatedly.
ORG-3336Origin support Contour plot transparency.When set transparency for Contour plot, origin will not crash and can display correctly.

Contour plot default speed mode turn on limit has been increased.

Contour plot now have increased speed mode turn on limit and it is relatively hard to trigger.

Fill Area

ORG-10428Fill area to next plot with indexed colorLine with indexed color will no longer be broken by Fill Area to next data plot.
ORG-10291Fill area under curve with missing valueNow there will be no redundant side lines, and fill area will be plotted correctly.
ORG-11229Fill to next plot failureFill area will be plotted correctly when there is leading/trailing missing values

Box Chart

ORG-11510Mean symbol failed to show in in Box Chart Legend since 9.1 SR3Mean symbol shows as a big rectangle instead.
ORG-12072Box Width Issues when position at column labelWhen X Position is from column label row, say Comments, Box Width will be not good and some boxes are overlapped. User can set system variable @BWF=0 to return to old behavior, while default value 1 stands for new behavior.

3D Graphs

ORG-114373D graph failed to show transparent background in Layout window3D Graph in Layout window always blocks graph/worksheet behind it.
ORG-10940Specified 3D dash line shows partial solid3D dash line shows partial solid when zooming or exporting
ORG-10776OGL:NV 3.3 and 4.4 group 3D waterfalls with log scale leads to crashFor Nvidia individual graphics cards which Open GL versions are 3.3 and 4.4, group 3D waterfalls with log scale leads to crash bug is fixed
ORG-11603Margin border for 3D graphsNow user can click on the legend edge to resize the margin for 3D plots
ORG-10914Resizing the vertical cube length fails to work when XY axis plane isometricIn 3D graph, resizing the vertical cube length works fine when XY axis plane isometric
ORG-11600Hide Masked data points not working for 3D XYY graphsNow user can mask data points from the XYY bar and hide it. For other XYY graphs, once the data points are masked in worksheet, you can hide or show it in the graph by clicking the Hide/Show masked data points button


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