2015 Analysis Bug Fixes
2015 Analysis Bug Fixes
JIRA | Summary | Details |
ORG-10284 | Missing Value/Blank should be trimmed automatically from Grouping column | Missing Value/Blank can be trimmed automatically from Grouping column and will not prevent K-S statistic test. |
ORG-10094 | 2D Interpolation results would no longer depend on the order of source data | Data will be sorted internally before calculation. |
ORG-10067 | Proper missing values support for paired tests | Missing values should be removed pairwise for paired t-test, paired wilcoxon sign rank and sign test. |
ORG-10956 | Bounds and Constraint in Curve Fitting | Bounds info will be added into constraint first and then modify the parameters. If there is conflicts, error message would show to inform user. |
ORG-10566 | Integrate gadget would work even only one point is inside ROI | Single point input would be allowed to generate corresponding integrate result. |
ORG-4969 | Integrate gadget should get correct data range | After changing the plot data, New Output for All Curves method can now get correct data range from source worksheet. |
ORG-11546 | Statistics Gadget for non-monotonic data | Statistics Gadget can noe get correct input range when data is non-monotonic |
ORG-11364 | Date data support in Disfreqs X-Function | Discrete Frequency statistics tool can now handle date data correctly |
ORG-10941 | Disable Editing cells will be kept in analysis templates | Saving analysis template will no longer clear the values with Disable Editing been checked. |
ORG-6332 | ROI should try to keep what users type in | The range of gadget ROI will not float after zoomming in/out. |
ORG-8630 | Recalculation work properly in smooth and some other tools. | Recaculation now works properly when mode is set to auto and the lock will not broken when change data in template. |
ORG-10382 | Improve Output of Confidence Intervals for one-side Hypothesis Tests | Confidence intervals for one-side Hyphthesis tests now have more detailed output report. |
ORG-6392 | cwt is much slower than MATLAB | Continuous Wavelet Transform speed has been improved. |
ORG-11998 | t-Test test result on significant difference is incorrect | t-Test test result on significant difference shows correctly. |
ORG-11704 | Missing value and mask data doesn't trimmed from State values in ROC Curve. | Missing value and mask data will be trimmed from State values in ROC Curve. |
ORG-11348 | The data of instrumental weighting method should not be selectable in PA. | When applying certain weighting mehtod, data will not be selectable. |
ORG-10238 | X Data for FFT Filter in Smooth should be checked. | FFT Filter method in smooth should check X data to be evenly spaced. |
ORG-9346 | Studentized and Studentized Deleted residuals are wrong when fit with weight | In Linear Fit and Multiple Linear Regression tools, correct the results of Studentized and Studentized Deleted residuals when weight data is specified. |