A12 - Advanced Virtual Matrix Support

A12 - Advanced Virtual Matrix Support

Related JIRA
Virtual Matrix ManagerORG-11046

If you plot 3D or Contour graph from a range of cells in worksheet as a virtual matrix, a virtual matrix will be generated.

You can use Tools: Virtual Matrix Manager to manage the existed virtual matrices.

Click Workbook button in Plot Details dialog will also go to Virtual Matrix Manager dialog.

  • Right click the virtual matrix in the left list box, and select delete to delete a existed virtual matrix
  • Modify the virtual matrix name the title and Data Format in the dialog
  • Click Go to Worksheet button behind Rang box to go to the worksheet which generated this virtual matrix
  • Select a graph plotted by current virtual matrix and click Go to Graph button beside Related Graphs to go to the graph

 Click here to expand to see the Virtual Matrix Manager...

Use Existing Virtual Matrix to make plots ORG-11660

You can direct select a existing virtual matrix in plotvm dialog for plotting.

 Click here to expand to see the plotvm dialog...

Better Virtual Matrix Name and Tooltip in Plot Details dialogORG-10690

User can easily tell where the Virtual Matrix is made from and how.

LabTalk AccessORG-11221

New object vmatrix introduced.

string fname$ = system.path.program$+"Sample\Graphing\3D Surface & Contour.dat";
impASC;	// Import sample data into Worksheet
plotvm irng:=1! rowpos:=none colpos:=none vname:=aaa type:=103 ogl:=<new tempalte:=GLCMAP>;
vmatrix vv = aaa;	// Define the virtual matrix
vv.name$ = ;	// Output the short name of virtual matrix
vv.ztitle$ = ;	// Output the long name of virtual matrix
vv.xtitle$ = ;	// Output the X title
vv.nrows = ;	// Output the number of row
vv.ncols = ;	// Output the number of column