Other Graphing Improvements in 2015

Other Graphing Improvements in 2015

ORG-11202Square-ended XY Scale objectNew system varialbe @LCG added.If set @LCG=1, then lines in XY Scale will be square-ended.
ORG-5705Actively update floating graphs when data is changed in worksheetView: Actively Update Plots menu is checked by default in 9.2
ORG-11245Ctrl+P or Ctrl+', or Ctrl+" to add bigger and closer prime symbols

In the past, when adding prime symbols ' or " in superscript, they were tiny and too far away from the text.

For some foreign keyboard, ' and " may not be in the same location as English keyboard. So we added hotkey Ctrl+P

ORG-11765More Distribution Curve types in HistogramGamma, Kernel Smooth, and Binomial distribution curve types are added.
ORG-11670Speed mode ON/OFF toggle on Graph toolbarEasy way to toggle speed mode on or off for all layers in active graph.
ORG-11000 Scatter Matrix by template/themeTemplate entries been added on dialog to allow users specify its own templates
ORG-9234Skipped Points would not break the connect lineIn line+symbol plot, you no long need to set Gap to Symbol to avoid line broken by skipped points.
ORG-11932Auto set Y axis tick labels to Time if Y column is TimeY axis tick label will be set to time if Y column is Time format. You can use @TLD=0 to disable the feature.
ORG-4229Support reorder when swapping layersA checkbox is added to layer management dialog so user can swap both layer position and index.
ORG-10202Turn on/off layer frame by Plot Details dialogLayer Frame is now included in Plot Details (layer) dialog, display tab, Show Elements group.
ORG-9458Improve Histogram+Probability PlotShowing overlaid plots with double y axis instead of stacked


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