C8 - Contour Plot Improvements

C8 - Contour Plot Improvements

Sample OPJ to download to try: C Folder of 92DemoGraphing.opj

Contour plot improvements with missing values in MatrixOptions to ignore Z missing values in XYZ Contour / Surface graphs

System variable @cmt is added in 9.2 to control how missing values in Matrix are dealt with in 9.2.

@cmt=1 (default and new behavior): no interpolation will be done around missing values. See 1st one.

@cmt=0 will do interpolation around missing values. See 2nd graph. Old behavior.

Run the following command with Contour plot active in 9.2 to ignore missing values in XYZ columns.

set %c -lczm 1
Show/Hide Boundary line and Customize Border LineShow Polygon area of selected contour line on Data Display

Single click a contour line several times till only that contour line is selected. Z and Area will show in Data Display window, which supports right click to copy the text.

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