Origin 9.1 SR3 Features and Changes

Origin 9.1 SR3 Features and Changes




Plot Details dialog too big9.1 Plot Details dialog is about 706 pixels in height because of some controls are added. We improved it a little so the maximum height is 651 pixels in 9.1sr3. We will try to improve it further in future versions.
ORG-10583Better default Table Layout setting for Grouped PlotMerge Labels is set to "Between Subgroup/Subsets" by default in grouped plots in 9.1 SR3 to better show unbalanced data.
ORG-10569Paste graph to Word, Legend of user-defined parameters wrongWhen user copy graph with Legend of user-defined parameters and paste to MS-word, Legend shows wrong. This is fixed in 9.1 SR3.





Format Cells context menu available for row selectionAdd Format Cells context menu when right clicking a whole row or multiple rows. In the past, user has to choose menu Format: Cell... menu.





Text object on the graph skewed in the exported EPS/PDF file when using Remote DesktopIn the past, if user use Remote Desktop to exported graph as EPS/PDF file, Text object on the graph is skewed and the gap between characters changed. This is fixed in 9.1 SR3.
ORG-11358EMF File size huge in 9.1 sr0 to sr2In the past 9.1 sr0 to sr2 builds, several exported EMF Files sizes are huge. This is fixed in 9.1 SR3.