Origin 9.1 SR1 Bug and Crash Fixes
Origin 9.1 SR1 Bug and Crash Fixes
Crash and Freeze Fixes
JIRA | Summary | Details |
ORG-9855 | Crash if save an opj with axis break as a new opj and then customize line plot color | Plot a line graph and add an X axis break. Save the opj. Reload the opj and save it as a new opj. Modify the line color. Crash happens. |
ORG-9978 | Save 9.0 opj with line+symbol graph crashes in 9.1 | The graph seem messed up and Origin crashes when trying to save it. |
ORG-9942 | Crash when using Scale In tool with Quick Peaks gadget on graph | Drag to zoom in the graph by scale tool when quick Peaks gadget in on the graph. Crash happens. |
ORG-10106 | Crash when adding error bars to a Y plot with very long long name | Plot a graph with tedious long name, then use “Graph:Add Error Bars...” to add error bar, causes crash. |
ORG-9886 | Crash when running some customized custom ogs file. | The problem happened since 9.0. It's because block buffer size too small. |
ORG-9826 | Origin crash after set dependent/Independent and change plot type | Plot a grouped line plot, set edit model be independent in plot Details dialog and close. Re-open the dialog, change plot type and edit model, click OK will crash Origin. |
ORG-9990 | Total layer name size exceeds 1300 will lead to crash | Create large amount of layers in one graph with long layer short names, open Plot Details dialog and try to link the last layer to the first. Crashes. |
ORG-9843 | Change Font Size with Vertical Cursor Crashes Origin | Open vertical cursor on any graph, and press the font increase or font decrease button in the gadget dialog. Crash happens. |
ORG-9963 | Error bar with custom color list might freeze Origin | Double click graph to open Plot Details. Origin has no response. It's related to customized Color List on error bars. |
ORG-9870 | Crash when pasting legend from one graph to another graph | Two graph windows. When trying to copy a legend from one graph to another. Not easy to reproduce but improved some internal code. |
ORG-10115 | Crash when enabling clipping in 3D scatter graph with connecting line between scatter points | 3D scatter graph with connecting lines. Open Plot Details dialog. On layer level. Go to Miscellaneous tab and enable clipping. Click OK. Origin crashes. |
ORG-10107 | Crashe on Line tab for ungrouped waterfall plot in Plot Details dialog | 2D/3D waterfall z color mapping grouped plot, right click on the plot and select Ungroup context menu, double click on the 1st plot to open Plot Details dialog, Origin crashes. |
ORG-9916 | Crash when 3D plot label size is smaller than plot itself | New a worksheet, then fill first 3 columns( at least 32 rows) with row numbers, fill the 4th column with 2 rows like 100, 200. Set col(C) as Z, highlight it to create a 3D scatter plot. Open Plot Details dialog, go to Label tab, check "Enable" checkbox, set "Label From" dropdown to be col(D), click OK, Origin crashes. |
ORG-9910 | Crash When Editing Text Object In Place With Unicode Node | When editing the text object, hit backspace inside a text label with a Unicode character, Origin crashes. |
ORG-9823 | Data reader in 3D waterfall leads to crash after changing z value source | Click data reader button to select on the 3D waterfall and Press F2 on keyboard to open Plot Details, in layer miscellaneous tab, change z value source to other options. Click OK. Origin crashes. |
ORG-10069 | Origin 32bit version leads to crash by crash report with large line plot | Origin9.1 SR0 32bit version open a workbook with large dataset like rows:20000000, columns:2; try to plot a line graph. Origin crashes. |
ORG-9920 | Crash when selecting recent book to open xlsx Excel book | New a project and then open an xlsx file file File: Open Excel. Then new a project and then select File: File: Recent Books to open it again. Origin will crash |
ORG-10005 | Crash if Lowess Smooth window size is too large | For large data size input (say 200k data points), Origin will crash using smooth's lowess method |
Bug Fixes
JIRA | Summary | Details |
Colormap Legend not show all levels when level type set to Log10 | In Contour plot, when set colormap level type to be Log10, not all levels are shown in colormap legend. | |
ORG-9917 | Categorical information not saved in the column graph with lock icon | For example in grouped column with lock icon, when select Change Parameter from lock context menu, categorical information (e.g. increment color list) is not saved. |
ORG-9911 | Time format axis issues | When time format has decimal seconds, it doesn't show the correct value when ticks are By Increment with a whole second value. First Tick can either be wrong. User has to first set Format to be ss.####, and set increment with decimal value. |
ORG-9891 | Auto symbol color not work when line color is increment | When plot Symbol+Line, if set symbol color to be automatic, then set line color to be increment list, symbol color not follows line increment color. |
ORG-9764 | 3D axis break misses minor tick label | In 3D graph, adding an axis break, and set Minor Tick Label as Show at each Minor Tick, or Show at Specified Indices, label is not added. |
ORG-9938 | Plot multiple datasets from Plot Setup Dialog not grouped by default | When plotting multiple Line+Symbol or multiple Symbol plots from Plot Setup dialog, plots are not grouped by default. |
ORG-9956 | Wrong special tick label when Tick to Label set to be Center between ticks | When set Tick to Label to be Center between Ticks, special ticks like Axis Begin or Axis End show at wrong position. It happens to 2D and 3D plots. |
ORG-10120 | 9.1 Graph rendering much slower than 9.0 or 8.6 | Line plots slow down with larger polyline break points. SR1 fixes it. For SR0 users, set @lp=700 as a workaround. |
ORG-7951 | Support batch plotting with Z on contour graph | Batch plotting now supports to duplicate contour graphs with XYZ columns from different workbooks/worksheets. |
JIRA | Summary | Details |
ORG-9666 | Long text not updated on graph/layout window | If a worksheet contains a long text in a cell, its image on the Layout shows ############ instead of the text. It's been fixed by adding Update context menu under Go to Window. Also, add Go to Window and Update menu as a group before Programming Control. |
JIRA | Summary | Details |
ORG-10086 | Flag disappeared after change parameter in Correlation Coefficient | After select Flag significant Correlations in Correlation Coefficient dialog and then change parameters, the flag will disappear. |
Graph Export
JIRA | Summary | Details |
ORG-10004 | Export line plot speed is slower than 9.0 | For large data, the slowness is more obvious and may even cause crash if there are more than 20 million datasets in line plot in 32 bit Origin. |
JIRA | Summary | Details |
ORG-9999 | xindex function not return correct value when running from graph | Running xindex() only works for worksheet in SR0, not for graph. |
ORG-9925 | map2c function not work well with degree option | XF map2c, mc2ap, vc2ap, vap2c not output correct value when arc:=degree. |