Origin 2017 Analysis




Not save mask info. in Analysis template by default

Save Analysis template will not save masking info. in input data since mask should really be associated with the data.

To save mask in template, set @atcm=0

ORG-14394More samples for custom data filter

In Custom Data Filter dialog → Filter → Load Samples list, add the following statistics filters

  • Discard Min and Max (for "Modified Mean")
  • Within Interquartile (Q1-Q3)
  • Within Interdecile (10%-90%)





Two Way ANOVA supports Means Plot  Two Way ANOVA supports Means Plot



Add conclusion to survival analysis, distribution fitting (Good-of-fit test)

Nonlinear Curve Fit




GUI Changes

New, Add and Search function buttons on Settings → Function Selection tab.

Show Recalculation Mode dropdown list above all tabs


< and > two buttons in Parameters tab to switch between sets of parameters to compare fitting result

E.g. if you click 1 Iteration multiple times, you can click < and > buttons multiple times to see parameter value changes.


Easier Initial Formula for parameters in Fitting Function

  • In Fitting Function Builder, dropdown list to specify what initial formula to use based on X, Y data info, such as
    • XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax, XatY50, etc.
    • Simple calculations, e.g. YMax-YMin, etc.
    • Using Metadata from X and Y Data, such as Long Name, Comments, User-Defined Parameters
  • In NLFit dialog, for both built-in and user-defined functions, user can edit initial formula

ORG-13708Allow initializing fixed parameters in Fitting Function Oragnizer

In Fitting Function Organizer, an option is added to allow initializing fixed parameters.

ORG-14335, ORG-14417, ORG-14964More Built-in Fitting Functions

Add more Exponential association fitting functions with time offset parameter: ExpAssoc1, ExpAssoc2, ExpAssocDelay1, ExpAssocDelay2 under Exponential category.

Add three fitting functions for Photosynthesis Irradiance (PI) curve : PIPlatt, PIPlatt2, PIWebb under Exponential category

Add 3d Curve Functions: Helix and Line3 under in Multiple Variables category.

ORG-15001Add result table for embedded report graphs

Users now have options to add result table to embedded report graphs, no matter whether fit was done from worksheet or graph.

ORG-13201Compare Model supports global fitCompare Model now supports comparing the results from Global Fit.
ORG-15050Update built-in FittingWithExternalDLL example with VS2012The old example was based on VC6 and didn't show how to create 64 bit version. A new example has been updated using VS2012.

Peak Analysis



Sequentially initialize parameter values in batch peak analysis