Origin 2017 Programming

Origin 2017 Programming



Update Origin to latest PythonPython version is upgraded to 3.5.2 and 2.7.12.
ORG-2968Support communicate with individual instance of MathematicaOrigin can communicate with individual instance of Mathematica
ORG-14499Provide Origin C function to get the number of major ticksTo get the number of major ticks in a graph, call Origin C function: int GetAxisTickData(vector& arrTicks, int nType = OC_MAJOR). This function returns arrTicks size; if fails, return -1.

LabTalk script to select columns

An X-Function wselcol is created for users to select/hide columns similar as Edit Select tool from menu.

iw: Input Worksheet
operation: Operation (Select|Hide)
mode: Mode (By Column Label|By Select N columns and Skip M columns)
colx: Variable to Represent Test Column
test: Test Condition - a normal LT expression which allows multiple conditions
sel: N=
skip: M=
start: Start
end: End
ORG-14343Support passing over vector string to StringArray when calling X-Functions using LabTalk

All dataset variables in LabTalk used to be numeric. "dataset -a name" is used to create a StringArray dataset for users getting dataset names back from X-Functions.

ORG-14660Support more LabTalk options for Fill Area Under Curve

Support more options for set -pfv command in LabTalk. For example, Fill to next data plot - one color is now can be generated using "set %C -pfv 8; set %C -pf 1;". Note: set fill mode first then turn the fill area option on.

To control fill to next mode, use "set %C -pfn nn;" where nn = 1 for Common X Area and nn = 2 for Area Enclosed by End Points.


wclear XF adds ability to clear label areaIt is mapped to a new bit CWOD_CLEAR_LABEL_ROWS allowing clear the label area.


Support adding permanent system path for Python.When external Python is installed, their path will be added to the embedded Python path list.

LabTalk command added to set fill pattern by name

set %c -tb -PFPN "filenamewithoutext"

The read-only system variable @OLCID is added

New system variable @OLCID is added to return the locale of the resource which Origin is currently running. In English mode @OLCID = 1033; in German mode @OLCID = 1031; in Japanese mode @OLCID = 1041.

ORG-15346Support %(?, @xx), %(?x, @xx) for Custom Column Name or Label or Custom Layer Banner

%(1, @LA), means the Y column long name of 1st plot

%(1X, @LA), means the X column long name of 1st plot

When there is a connection between tick and plot(major tick type=By plot column label. The position setting of plot is set to auto or the same column label of major tick type. ), ? means the related plot. Otherwise, ? will use the setting of Data Plot Index for Auto Axis Titles in Page level.

ORG-14689Remove system variable OCSENew generated OP files will be encrypted. Remove the way to generate un-encrypted OP files.
ORG-13891Create LabTalk callable function to calculate the great-circle distances between two points.

double HaversineDistance(double lon1, double lat1, double lon2, double lat2, double r, bool bDegree)

This function takes the longitudes and latitudes of two points on a sphere with radius r, returns the great-circle distances between them. Option degree determines whether to use degree or radian as the unit of longitudes and latitudes.

ORG-15402LabTalk command to save a system variable same as entering into the system variable dialog

add_sys_vars function is added which needs to be used after run -oc, like run -oc add_sys_vars XCA|RCN 0|0

macro clrx is now defined as doc -e WW {page.xlcolname=0;};run -oc add_sys_vars RCN 0;

ORG-15364Allow saving opj while dialog is up

Add Origin C command to save the active project

BOOL Save( LPCSTR lpcszFilename = NULL, BOOL bRename = true)
ORG-15339LabTalk command to hide/show image thumbnails
page.activedataIndicator=0;  //hide image thumbnails
ORG-14652Support color setting for the wizard navigator in Origin CAllow users to change the background color in the navigator control of a wizard in Origin C
ORG-14696Improvement on X-Function frameworkSupport tab-changing event and tab style for X-Function bar.


X-Function to construct starter html dialogAdd new X-function newhtml that generates the necessary OC , Javascript code to produce a HTML dialog with the active Origin graph window attached.

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