Origin 2017 Ease of Use

Origin 2017 Ease of Use


ORG-14889Plot menu shows plot type with larger icons.
More built-in plot types. E.g. box plot has many variatiions with can be plotted with one click from Plot menu.
  • Plot menu is reorganized with large menu icons to better locate plot types.
  • More plot types and variations are added.
  • Mouse over each plot group to see more plot types.

Note: If you prefer the old menu, go to Origin exe folder. Rename PlotPopup folder. Restart Origin. The Plot menu will go back to the old way.


Undo support after customizing graphs in Plot Details dialogAfter closing Plot Details dialog, Ctrl+Z or Edit: Undo to undo the changes.


Drag text in tick label table to adjust height of width of table

In the past, the table row width/height is minimize to wrap the text in it. There is no way to adjust the offset.


Apply graph theme to all graphs in subfolders and specified graphs only

In the past, in Theme Organizer, user can only apply graph theme to Current Graph, Graphs in Folder and Graphs in Project. More options are added for user to apply theme to subfolders, embedded graphs, or specified graphs only.

ORG-14419Copy/Paste Format improvements

Add an option Paste Format (Advanced)... in both Edit menu and context menu of graph to allow user open Apply Format dialog.

ORG-14775Easier way to change custom color

Click color blocks in Custom color to open Color dialog, then easily enter HEX code to set custom color.

ORG-13992Support paste plain text when copy text from other applications like Office

Add Unformatted Text option in Edit - Paste Special dialog to allow user paste plain text when copy text from other applications like office.

ORG-10204Switching Layers in Axis dialog

For multi-layer graph, user can open axis dialog and edit different layer's axis. See the layer dropodwn list on the upp-left corner of the axis dialog.

In the past, user has to close the dialog and open the correct layer's axis dialog.

ORG-15060Mouse hover data plot to show plot tooltip

In the Graph window, mousing over the data plots to see the data information of each plot

System Variable : @PT to enable plot tooltip,

0 – disable plot tooltip

1 enable 2d plot tooltip only

2 – enable 3d plot tooltip only

3 enable both 2d and 3d plot




Use English in Analysis Report

For J and G Origin, choose Help: Change Language. Check Use English in Analysis Output. Then if you share your opj with English users, result sheets are displayed in English


< and > two buttons on Parameters tab of Nonlinear Curve Fit dialog to switch between sets of parameters to compare fitting result

If you click 1 Iteration multiple times, you can click < and > buttons multiple times to see parameter value changes.


Easier Initial Formula for parameters in Fitting Function

  • In Fitting Function Builder, dropdown list to specify what initial formula to use based on X, Y data info, such as
    • XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax, XatY50, etc.
    • Simple calculations, e.g. YMax-YMin, etc.
    • Using Metadata from X and Y Data, such as Long Name, Comments, User-Defined Parameters
  • In NLFit dialog, for both built-in and user-defined functions, user can edit initial formula


ORG-14667Quickly switch between Windows in Project

Allows the user to quickly jump back and forth between two windows in a project,

This new feature can be access via Window → Return to Last Window or hot key Ctrl+Alt+Z.


Allow clicking Set as X, Y, Z toolbars to set column designation if cell is selectedIn the past, you must highlight column to set column designation. No need now. if your cursor is in a column cell, it will change the column's plot designation.


ORG-14941Option to show Sum on ROI for Statistics Gadget

In Statistics Gadget, add Sum checkbox in the Show on Center-Top of ROI Box tab in case Sum output needed.


ORG-14098Easier way to load conditional and loop syntax

Inside Before Formula script, users are able to load if else, loop, etc. control flow syntax by simply right click and chose Conditional/Loop, that means users don't need to figure out what Origin C or LabTalk syntax are. This feature is also available in Fitting Function Builder, Worksheet Query, Function Plot dialog and Batch Processing before each process, after process etc.

ORG-14747Script Window can remember it's monitor position

Script Window have exact same behavior with 2nd monitor as Command Window right now. It can remember it's position on 1st or 2nd monitor that last time it is closed.

Note in some cases, please hold down the CTRL key then click "Script Window" menu item under "Window" menu to force it center in Origin.




ORG-14520Origin Central dialog

Origin Central dialog opens unpon launching Origin 2017 (F11)

  • Open section provides a lot of graph and analysis samples. Picking it will only open the corresponding folder with instruction. User can put their data into to see how graph and analysis updates.
  • Open section also provides ways to open new book or matrix.
  • Open Existing Files to open opj, ogw, otw, ogg files. 
  • Resources to see Apps. User can click the icon to go to file exchange page to download Apps. Learning Center will provide tutorials and videos, etc.

Choose Help : Origin Central from the main menu or Press F11 to open the dialog. 

ORG-15307Add Free Update and New Version button in Origin Central dialogEasier for users to check for available patch to update, new samples or new version Origin.

Help: Open Folders to easily navigate to the folder in Windows Explorer

  • Origin Folder – Origin central files, etc.
  • User Files folder
  • Autosave folder – if Origin is crashed, find the autosaved opj
  • Program folder — installation folder


GUI changes on allowing initialize fixed parameters

In Fitting Function Organizer dialog (F9), add a checkbox "Allow Initializing Fixed Parameters" (default unchecked) above Parameter Initialization editbox; in Fitting Function Builder dialog (F8), add a same checkbox on Parameter Initialization Code page, under "Always run Initialization Code before Fitting". This checkbox is designed to allow initialization code to modify the fixed value. When it is on, initialization code can read/write the values for fixed parameters.

ORG-15241Distribute more Origin samples via Check for UpdatesNew Origin samples can be downloaded and auto installed via Help : Check for Updates as an opx file.
ORG-14540Easier way to open specific page of CHM file

Origin C GETN supports opening specific page of CHM file.

X-Function supports opening specific page of CHM file by ID.