Automation/Batch Processing
Automation/Batch Processing
Batch Plotting - Duplicate Graphs by Using Data from Different Sheets
Origin 9.1 allows user to recreate a graph using a different sheet or book. Right-click on window title to see the new duplicate command.
Save Project without Data, Duplicate Workbook or Project without Data
Origin 9.1 allows user to duplicate workbook or project without data so user can quickly create new workbook window or project as a template and fill in new new data. User can also save project without data.
Gadgets: Batch Analysis - Easily Apply Analysis to All Curves
New menu items have been added to the fly-out menu in Gadgets to output results for all curves, thus allowing batch analysis of multiple curves in a graph using gadgets.
Copy & Paste Operation
You can now copy the fit in one graph and then paste that to all curves in another graph. This allows all the settings to be applied, a big time saver.