Origin 2017 Trellis Plot


Choose Plot → 2D → Trellis Plot

  • Grouped Line Plot
  • Grouped Scatter Plot
  • Grouped Line+Symbol Plot
  • Grouped Column Plot

Panel tab in Plot Details dialog

All plots share the same panel settings.


Add Preview for the dialog of Trellis Plots


Add Layer Title as Tick Label Type when tick label as table is enabled

ORG-14961Alternate Tick Labels for Trellis plots

In GUI for Trellis plot, add a checkbox "Use Alternate Side to Show Ticks and Labels" under Gap between panels in each group to avoid the tick labels to run into each other. Another way to avoid tick labels running into each other is to allow for gaps between the blocks.

ORG-15203Support overlap panels for Trellis plot

Support wrap all panels in one direction into one panel for Trellis plot. For Column/Bar plot, when Overlap Panels is enable, users are able to set Gap between Bars from Different Panels (in %) in spacing tab.

ORG-15140Option to arrange the vertical panel from top to bottomAdd an option to switch arrangement between bottom to top and top to bottom for the vertical panel. By default, should be top to bottom.
ORG-15127Wrap Panel for Trellis plotAllow user to specify the number of columns and the plot automatically wrap into multiple rows.